Sunday 15 July 2007

Gordon's poll bounce

Gordon Brown has had an excellent start as Prime Minister. He has avoided the temptation to tilt to the left, but has nonetheless injected fresh energy into the Government. Cabinet appointments like David Miliband and Jacqui Smith at senior levels have given the government a freshness and youth which has made Cameron's Tories feel tired. Today's poll for the Sunday Telegraph suggests that the public agrees. Miliband was in top form on this morning's Sunday AM, making clear where UK foreign policy lies. However, he does need to make clear who's boss to some of his junior team.

1 comment:

Tom said...

I'm not sure that he has avoided a tilt to the left in the slightest. I was hearing about a renewed emphasis on multilateralism, poublicly funded house builds, an elected house of lords, local ownership of public services and a turn away from Super Casinos.

Sounds considerably left of Blair to me.

Besides, what's wrong with following the temptation to lean leftwards? We are after all in government, and there, as the Labour Party, to enact democratic socialist values. I don't see total centrism as a coherent expression of those values.