It is quite extraordinary that Boris Johnson is leading the polls for London mayor; one can only assume the voters haven't heard him much. I have just watched the most inept, extraordinary performance I have seen by any politician in years on Newsnight. Boris hadn't a clue how much his treasured Routemasters cost. He said the mayor should earn less, but had no idea to what. All the time, one had the impression of a politician making it up as he went along, including a 90 second intro that he had plenty of time to rehearse. Goodness knows what this buffoonery would lead to in City Hall. I can see why he doesn't like doing too many debates in this election, but surely that was one thing Eton was supposed to equip you for?
Hello Conor, I'm enjoying the blog. I am part of the Stop Boris campaign and it would be really great if you would consider putting one of our Stop Boris banner/buttons on to your site, at least until after the elections:
Not many people will have seen the Newsnight debate so we really need to spread the word about how useless Boris would be as Mayor. Thanks
Happy to oblige
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